The Mechanism of KURONEKO-YAMATO for Space Delivery,"Space Roll"
Created in Apr 2008
The "Space Roll" will be opened by twirling the container's front and back doors.

At the front: the first floor is a YAMATO Jet hanger, and there is an advertising display on the wall of the second floor.

There is a big working space on the backside of the advertising display.

When you want to play with it, press the advertising display into the back. By doing this, the YAMATO Jet can easily take off !

And also, when you do that, the working space on the second floor will protrude, and you can play with it much easier. (^o^)

If you slide it in the opposite direction, more space will open up! This mode would be convenient, when the large sized cargo ship is arrived. (^-^)

The Mechanism of Space Delivery KURONEKO Robot's parent and child
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